Whoops. Missed a couple of days. That's okay, I slept most of the day on the 3rd, so I guess I'm grateful for my somewhat-peaceful rest that day.
I am grateful, once again, for the patience of my husband, who is learning every day how best to deal with my anxiety issues; when to push, and when not to, and to appreciate when I am pushing myself. I'm grateful that he complimented me on how well I did in a new social situation. I'm grateful that said new social situation did not affect me too badly, and that I was able to relax somewhat and have a good time for a while.
I'm grateful for coffee and kitties and good friends. I'm grateful for the Internet, which allows me to communicate, express myself, do research, and generally have fun. I'm grateful for my ability to analyse where my negative feelings are coming from so that I can deal with them appropriately.
Despite the bedbug problem, I'm grateful for nature. I actually quite like most bugs. I found a pretty beetle last night that made me smile. I took pictures, and some friends on Facebook helped me identify it. Things like that make me happy. I love noticing stuff other people often don't, and taking joy in them.
I'm still grateful the bedbugs aren't in my room.
Oh, and I'm grateful my friend Isa finally got a job! No, it's not something that happened to me, personally, but I care about her, and it's been hard watching the frustration and depression that resulted from her unemployment.
I know that I repeat myself a lot with the grateful stuff, but I don't think it hurts to remind myself of the things I'm grateful for every day, so I don't take them for granted.
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